Sanctuary Neighborhood Prepares to Repel Invaders

Arlandria is a sanctuary neighborhood in a sanctuary city next to a sanctuary county in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Residents there are worried about a caravan of Prius–driving invaders that threaten to change the culture of the neighborhood.

This concern requires some clarification.

Rick McKee, The Augusta Chronicle, GA

Arlandrians aren’t opposed to semi–literate identity thieves sneaking across the border to depress US wages, burden the schools and require the rest of us to ‘Press 1 for English.’ Those folks might be relatives! Residents aren’t opposed to Hispaniards gaming the ‘asylum’ system to take advantage of US welfare. Nor are they against chain migration that U–Hauls entire Latin American villages north.

Why that would be wrong! That sort of thinking is classist, ‘racist’, xenophobic and anti–Democrat.

What toasts their tamales is the prospect of well–paid, highly literate, childless Amazon workers moving into their “transplanted Hispanic culture” and buying a house while making a significant contribution to the tax base.

The Washington Post’s coverage of this example of NEMPTism (Spanish for NIMBY) is additional proof irony is dead on the left. The WoePost reporter can’t see the humor in a neighborhood that turns a blind eye to illegals protesting when citizens might move in, too.

This quote says it all, and in Spanish no less, “We have to organize, we have to be unified, we have to have one objective, one solution,” Luis Salmerón, a 17-year resident, said through a translator. “This is as much for me as for our kids, our grandkids and future generations. We want to be a collective force to preserve our community.”

Arlandria is where “More than half of the residents are younger than 30, and nearly half were born in Latin America, according to the 2017 U.S. Census American Community Survey.” And “men lean on cars to discuss in Spanish the issues of the day.”

In the mid–1980’s so many “residents came from a town called Chirilagua, fleeing civil war” the neighborhood was soon called Chirilagua. That was then. Today these refugees enjoying the laughably termed “Temporary Protected Status” are still there lingering on through the decades.

The civil war is long over. Now Salvadorians remain claiming fear of gang violence, political oppression or bad weather (global warming), while simultaneously providing a beachhead for illegals heading north.

Gentrifying Gringos have already made attempts to impose their will on the neighborhood. “Some Arlandria residents still resent a developer who renamed a strip shopping center in the heart of their neighborhood “Del Ray North” and rented space to an upscale pet store.”

Why the nerve of that capitalist! There is no market for Corgis in Arlandria.

Now Amazon is building a headquarters in Arlington and Virginia Tech is constructing a $1 billion graduate campus in the vicinity. Employees, academics and students will have to live somewhere and Arlandria residents are thinking “there goes the neighborhood.”

That’s why la gente are up in arms. Or at least the gente with a media connection.

Sinister market forces are at work right now. The man who owns the Tiger Market grocery and deli was presented with “a buyout offer that would pay him $1.5 million more than what he owes on the property” and activistas want to put a stop to those shenanigans muy pronto.

Meanwhile the Tiger Market jefe intends to stay put and upgrade his inventory to attract “more affluent customers.” It’s unknown whether activistas will consider the addition of kale and free–range tofu to be an insult to the barrio.

The owner of a barber shop believes Amazon means jobs for his clients. The non–entrepreneurial agitator fighting Amazon believes, “What is coming is displacement.”

And there you have it. It was one thing to flee MS–13 in El Salvador and only to discover the gang is now next door. It’s another kettle of pez entirely to flee Amazon in Virginia.

The situation does disprove one conservative complaint regarding mass illegal immigration. These Arlandrians have taken a tentative step into the much despised “melting pot” and potential assimilation. They now fit quite nicely into the mold of the left’s permanent grievance industry.

Trump and the Roar of the Paper Tiger

After spending the last two years on the sidelines warming up on a stationary bike, President Trump has decided it’s time for him to get into the immigration game. When Agent Orange is unleashed illegal immigration will once again be, well, illegal!

Rick McKee The Augusta Chronicle, GA

The situation is grim. The Get–Tough–on–the–Border–Guy will be taking in more illegals than Obama did at his laissez-faire peak. Estimates for this year alone are in the neighborhood of 1.5 million more additions to the diversity that is our strength.

So, it’s probably a good idea for Trump to stop being a figurehead in his own government and get serious about fulfilling his primary campaign promise. Or as the Washington Post puts it, “As Trump struggles to curb unauthorized immigration, his rhetoric gets tougher, but quick solutions are elusive.”

That could be because Trump’s a paper tiger. Even his “tough rhetoric” comes with its own set of problems. His pronouncements have a tendency to expire before the problem is solved.

Trump promises to close the Mexico border and then before traffic cones are airlifted from a factory in China he changes his mind and avocado shipments are safe until the next temper tantrum.

Trump tells one audience the US is full up of immigrants and it’s time to call a halt until he can build a fire under the melting pot. Then he tells another he’s decided to double the number of H–2B guest worker visas.

That will certainly cut down on groundskeeper arrests at Trump resorts, but the increase will continue to keep citizen farm wages at Juarez levels while Hispaniard workers brought in for the harvest can scout locations for the rest of their family who will join them after the visa expires.

Our Border–Guard–in–Chief has a list of culprits he’s blaming for the immigration crisis including Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. He rails against the judicial system. Trump has special scorn for Democrats who won’t help. And he attacks illegal–enabling lawyers who coach fraudulent asylum applicants on the exact language needed to trigger the conveyor belt of US largesse.

The truth is the person responsible for the failure to keep Trump’s immigration promises is the same person he sees in the mirror each morning when the president conducts a muster drill for his hair. Trump bears 80 percent of the responsibility for the failure and passive–aggressive, housebroken conservative Mitch McConnell, Curator of the Senate, bears the rest.

I’m with Michelle Malkin who told Breitbart, “I don’t want to hear empty threats anymore about how [Trump’s] going to do what he should have done many, many, many months ago. What are you waiting for? Do it.”

Every suggestion that follows should have been done in January 2017. Clean house at the Department of Homeland Security. Kirstjen Nielsen was a start but there are plenty more like her.

Why is the present legal staff incapable of finding loopholes in immigration law that Trump can exploit to expand enforcement? Evidently leftist lawyers can find plenty because thousands of illegals are currently streaming through the gaps. Only those ‘serving’ the Trump administration find the immigration code impervious to an interpretation that puts citizens first.

Jessica Vaughn of the Center for Immigration Studies gave Breitbart seven actions Trump could take, some of which you’ve read here before. The new ones are force Mexico to sign a Safe Third Country Agreement so ‘asylum’ applicants can wait for a ruling in México lindo. And stop issuing work permits to asylum applicants already in the US.

The Trump voting base was under the impression they were electing a man who would reverse the tide of illegals streaming across our southern border and deport the 25 million illegals, including their dependents, who have taken up an unvexed residence in the US.

Nothing has changed during the months Trump dithered.

A Pew Research Center survey says Republican voters still rank sealing the border and deportations as “their top priority to ensure a better quality of life for themselves and their middle–class families.”

Meanwhile voters are coming to the realization they elected Jeb Bush without the naps.

Methodists Decide to Believe the Bible

Recently the United Methodist Church held a denomination meeting in St. Louis and the outcome for Christians was almost as momentous as the lifting of the siege of Vienna in 1683. The threat to Christendom at Vienna was external. An Islamic army of Ottoman Turks was knocking on the door to Central Europe until the attack was broken by Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I.

For the Methodists, the threat was internal. A coalition of alphabet–apostates thought they were on the cusp of overturning thousands of years of instruction regarding homosexuality. The goal was to have the United Methodist Church endorse homosexual marriage and practicing homosexual pastors.

Delegates voted on three options. The ‘Simple Plan’ was essentially let it all hang out. Any language in the Methodist Book of Discipline that reflected the Bible’s clear instruction on homosexuality (the Washington Post reporter called it “exclusionary language”) was to be removed and let the good times roll!

The “One Church Plan” was endorsed by craven Methodist denominational ‘leadership’ and a grab–bag of therapeutic Christians who place feelings ahead of theology. This hypocritical approach let church leaders continue to ignore congregations violating the Book of Discipline. As long as the money keeps flowing into HQ, the ‘leadership’ was fine with these hotbeds of heresy.

The last option was the ‘Traditional Plan.’ That choice would return the Methodists to faithfully following Jesus and Scripture as regards homosexuality.

It looked as bad for the Methodists as it did for the Viennese.

In a supreme irony, the alphabet soup alternate lifestyle advocates used a message to persuade delegates that was biblically based. They asked the same question that the serpent used in the Garden of Eden, namely “Did God really say that?”

The Methodist delegates answered, “yes.”

There are a number of ways the media could report on this surprising development. One would to follow the headline of this column: “In an upset, the United Methodist Church Decides to Believe the Bible.” That covers the element of surprise and the Methodist’s return to their foundational belief regarding homosexuality.

Or the reporter could have focused on demographics and how African churches provided the votes to carry the Traditional Plan and what this means for the direction of the denomination in the future.

Instead the Washington Post choose ‘Christian bullies pick on innocent homosexuals.’ Only one person was interviewed who wasn’t part of the alphabet army and he was asked about statistics. Other interviewees were ‘victims of intolerance.’

That’s false because Christians aren’t singling out the consonant crusaders with ‘hate’ and rejection. How can one explain the vote to the irreligious chroniclers of ‘what’s happen’n’ now at the WoePost?

How about this? WoePost owner Jeff Bezos decides to go to church. He has three options, two of which would meet with disapproval.

If lover boy shows up at the sanctuary with his adulterous squeeze instead of his wife, he’s not going to be welcome. If Bezos shows up with the squeeze and his wife, he’s not going to be welcome. But if Jeff appears with only his wife, the congregation will assume they’re working on the marriage and accept them both.

Christian churches don’t encourage anyone who demonstrates an open rebellion against God while in the pew.

This entire effort on the part of the alternate–lifestyle, alternate–Bible cabal was entirely political and not religious. As Kermit Rainman explains, “…homosexual activists and their allies know that the Judeo-Christian sexual ethic found in the Bible is the last bastion of defense holding back the widespread embrace of homosexuality throughout the culture. They understand that if Bible-believing Christians and Jews can be convinced that homosexual behavior is no longer sinful in God’s eyes, then the battle to fully implement their political and social goals will be won.”

Rewriting the Bible is a project of the left and it is purely secular and wholly selfish. St. Louis Heretics were easy to spot with their rainbow bandanas, Black Lives Matter t–shirts, “Justice for All” buttons, feminist slogans and their raised fists when the vote didn’t go their way.

Fortunately, Methodist delegates voted to return to following Christ and stop following the culture.