Starbucks to Manage Concessions for Homeless Encampments

Today we live in a society constantly buffeted by waves of hysteria and that’s just what’s coming from corporate America. And the panicked plutocrats are unable to formulate a proportionate response, something that was routine 25 years ago.

In 1993 four children contracted E. coli and died after eating a ‘Monster Burger’ at Jack in the Box. In response, Jack in the Box suspended hamburger sales, but kept the stores open for the rest of its product line while corporate dealt with the emergency.

Milt Priggee, Oak Harbor, WA

In 2018 Starbucks is accused of “racism” after two black men are arrested without incident and later released without charges. This time in a frenzied response, Starbucks’ corporate introduces “Try Our Competitors Day!” on May 29th when all stores will be closed and employees required to attend a one day re–education camp. No word on whether customers will be reimbursed for coffee purchased from Dunkin Donuts on the 29th.

Disbelief was my first reaction upon reading about this latest bigotry brouhaha. I assumed it was a typo. Instead of ‘Cracker Barrel’ someone mistakenly typed ‘Starbucks’ into the Online Racial Incident template. Why Starbucks is more conscious of racism than Rachel Dolezal! Forty percent of its workforce is a minority of some kind.

Accusing Starbucks of racism is like accusing 7/11 of banning turbans inside the store.

This is the first instance of Starbucks joining the system–wide shutdown trend, but not the first time Starbucks has signaled its virtue. Earlier, in a hysterical over–reaction to Ferguson and Black Lives Matter, corporate chairman Howard Schultz wanted a “frank conversation on race” and instructed baristas to write “Race Together” on the customer’s coffee cup. It became such a farce the idea was quickly dropped.

Starbucks will probably pattern its shutdown on the model established by Chipotle. The illegal sanctuary and restaurant shut down for employee training after repeated outbreaks of customer diarrhea. The Chipotle workforce was told that here in the US everyone washes their hands after a bathroom trip. At the Starbuck’s session I’m assuming employees will learn that here in the US everyone is a racist.

Schultz and Starbucks are so fearful of being accused of ‘privilege.’ If it weren’t for the unfortunate social connotations, I wouldn’t have been surprised if Schultz ordered his white employees to wear blackface just to atone.

And make no mistake, atonement for Starbucks is coming and the company may not survive.

After the shutdown session no employee with a rating of IV or higher on the Fitzpatrick skin tone scale will call the cops on a minority ‘customer’ for any offense. Minority managers can see which way the wind blows, too. Soon this will escalate to refusing to call the cops for any ‘customer’ for any offense short of murder. They’ll see what happened to the manager in Philadelphia — fired and scapegoated — listen to the moralizing by Schultz and will conclude Starbucks is now Times Square circa 1988.

I’ve never liked the pretentiousness that permeates Starbucks. I’m secure in my manhood. I don’t require coffee to be extra–strong and extra–bitter to prove my toughness like the beta males and alpha–females that frequent the bistro. I predict their brand commitment will erode quickly as Starbucks goes from an upscale coffee bistro to a San Francisco public library.

Schultz’s stores will now function as the concession stand in a homeless encampment.

Already the American Mirror reports a black man who calls himself “Hotep Jesus” waltzed into a Starbucks and demanded free coffee reparations, “I heard you guys don’t like black people, so I came to get my Starbucks reparations voucher.” And he got it.

KTLA had a story about a Southern California Starbucks. A man reposted a video — made in January — where he contends he was denied the code to the bathroom because he was black. This won’t be a problem when homeless move in, they are very flexible when it comes to bowel movements.

After the staff undergoes Schultz’ “unconscious bias training” store rules will go out the window. I’m sure a handful of customers will cling to their ‘white privilege’ and place an order, assuming they can make their way past the shopping carts, backpacks, discarded syringes and Hefty lawn & leaf bags. Getting their order is something else entirely. Hearing their name called over the random shouts, boom boxes and urgent entreaties from panhandlers may prove quite the challenge.

Conservatives and Christians won’t have to worry about boycotting Starbucks ever again. Corporate will have driven off all the business without our assistance.

I’m going to enjoy watching the feeding frenzy. It’s going to be fun. And God help the clueless employee that puts the brownies on the bottom row of the display case and the corn muffins on top.

Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘Listening Tour’ Stops in DC

It’s ironic that privacy vulture Mark Zuckerberg’s first day of Senate testimony so closely resembled the action in a first–person shooter: 44 waves of poorly programmed, time–limited attackers that didn’t come close to doing any real damage.

It was like Zuckerberg was shooting tunnel rats in Fallout.

Adam Zyglis: The Buffalo News

The Senate questioning was so ineffective Zuckerberg could have gone all Microsoft on the ancient incumbents and just repeated “re–install the system from the original disks” and most couldn’t have told the difference. As Breitbart pointed out, Facebook’s stock price increased the longer the questioning continued.

What do you expect when there’re 44 camera–hogs on the committee and each wants a chance to utter the soundbite heard ‘round the world? There’s only so much time available when chained to Curator of the Senate Mitch McConnell’s grueling half–day schedule.

The Opposition Media was filled with breathless accounts of Zuckerberg’s unstinting preparation for the high–stakes event. He hired media consultants, message consultants and crisis consultants. It was almost as if the nation’s eavesdropper was preparing to convince Kim Jong–Un to add an extra helping of sawdust to the menu for North Korea’s Juche Day celebration.

What he should have hired was a Trump voter.

The question Zuckerberg was totally unprepared to answer explains everything. I tell clients to read the newspaper on the way to a news event. That’s because, regardless of what the session is supposed to be about, a splashy headline will render all the ground rules irrelevant.

The Zuckerberg bubble appears to be impervious to any information from conservatives. He was taken completely aback by Ted Cruz’ (R–Presidential Aspirations) question regarding the banning of black Trump supporters Diamond & Silk.

(Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating. Zuckerberg claims Facebook AI is already screening terror–related information, but judging from the national peeping–tom’s robotic answers, I’ll wager the AI has also seized the Zuckerbrain. How can one tell when a vape store wooden Indian is expressing emotion?)

Cruz: “There are a great many Americans… deeply concerned that Facebook [is] engaged in a pervasive pattern of bias and political censorship…Facebook has initially shut down the ‘Chick-fil-A appreciation day page,’ has blocked the post of a Fox News reporter and most recently has blocked the Trump supporters Diamond & Silk’s page after determining that their content and brand were ‘unsafe for the community’.”

Zuckerberg looked like Cruz had accused him of being a member of the TEA Party.

His response was pure insincerity, “I understand where that concern is coming from…This is actually a concern that I have…I think it’s a fair concern…”

Cruz then followed up, “Are you aware of any ad or page that has been taken down from Planned Parenthood? How about How about any Democrat candidate?”

Zuckerberg: “I’m not specifically aware…”

That means no.

Another disturbing development was how Zuckerberg got away with dodging questions. He carried a briefing book into the hearing room that was almost as thick as the booster seat placed on his chair to make him look taller. Evidently the book only contained buzzwords, not answers.

Repeatedly the all–seeing Zuckerberg was able to get away with telling senators, “my team will get back with you.” This is 21st Century’s equivalent of taking the 5th. Instead of using that unpleasant “tend to incriminate me” language, modern dissemblers refer the question to the “team.”

The problems with this are legion. There’s no guarantee his people will get back with the senator’s people. There’s no deadline. There’s no assurance the answer will be true. And worst of all the answer will be given in private, not in public, defeating the purpose of a senate hearing.

Senate and House hearings should extend for two days minimum. The first day politicians attempt to pin down slippery witnesses and the second day the witness has to provide detailed answers to the questions dodged on day one.

This won’t happen for a number of reasons, mainly because it would require effort on the part of Curator McConnell and he’s too busy planning the “long game” for when his feckless ‘leadership’ returns him to the minority.

Trump 2020 campaign manager (at least for this week) Brad Parscale has an excellent, conservative solution to remedying Facebook’s conservative censorship. Zuckerberg boasts about providing “an opportunity to connect with people.” As long as people don’t wish to connect with Facebook.

Parscale suggests Facebook should be required, encouraged, bribed or coerced into publically posting a daily, cumulative listing of all pages, posts and users that have been banned or blocked or otherwise stifled.

“Connect” the public with Facebook’s content decisions so they can judge for themselves if Zuckerberg’s censorship leans left. Sunshine is a great disinfectant, let’s see if it will clear up Facebook’s rash of conservative bans.

Democrat’s Latest: Jim Crow Meet Juan Canto

It’s been a decade since I agreed with the Democrat platform, but I must give the party a great deal of credit for its consistency. There is a direct correlation between Democrats in 2018 fighting to increase their political power by demanding vote–less illegal aliens be counted in the census; and Democrats in 1818 demanding equally vote–less slaves continue to be counted in the census to increase their political power.

In both instances Democrats are exploiting the downtrodden for their own advantage.

Rick McKee, The Augusta Chronicle, GA

When the Constitution was written each slave was counted as three–fifths of a person. History ignoramuses contend this proves the US was founded as a racist nation. The opposite is true. Slave owners wanted each of their charges counted in the census because it would increase the population of the South and grant slave–holding states more representation with additional power to encourage the growth of slavery.

Anti–slavery Founding Fathers didn’t want slaves to be counted at all, thereby reducing the number of congressmen allotted to the South. Three–fifths was a compromise that unfortunately wound up giving Democrats in the South a third more seats in Congress and consequently a third more electoral votes than counting just the free population alone would have done.

Counting the powerless worked so well for Democrats then, they want to repeat the process with illegal aliens in the 2020 census. Plus, showing leopards never change their spots, this new counting scheme is a twofer: It will continue the tradition of penalizing blacks, while exploiting vote–less Hispaniards.

Standing in the way of this power–grab are the normally piñata–like Republicans who want to include a question on the census form that asks the citizenship status of the respondent. This makes perfect sense to me. Even better it makes perfect sense to American citizens. A recent Rasmussen Reports poll found that an overwhelming 89 percent of the surveyed 1,000 adults think including the citizenship question is important and 69 percent say it’s very important. (Although to be truthful, I’m not sure how many ‘Press #2 for Spanish’ adults were included in the survey sample.)

The census is crucial for enhancing political power because the results are used to apportion the 435 congressional seats between the various states, based on each state’s population.

If I happen to be visiting Cancun to attend the most recent severed head display and the Mexican government is simultaneously conducting its census, I wouldn’t expect to be counted, even though I have strong opinions regarding the Mexican government. The same should go for citizens of other nations who happen to be in the US, legally or otherwise.

Leftists disagree. Faster than you can say “Jim Crow” Democrats are accusing the GOP of wanting to keep the brown man down.

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D–Senility) told the AP adding a simple question regarding citizenship “will inject fear and distrust into vulnerable communities and cause traditionally undercounted communities to be even further under­represented, financially excluded and left behind.”

It would also significantly reduce the number of Democrat congressmen. California maintains its population by importing illegals to replace citizens who flee to other states in a desperate effort to escape high taxes and intrusive nanny–state government. Currently the U–Haul trailers heading east are more than compensated for by the huaraches heading north.

That’s one of the main reasons California leftists fight to keep the state a sanctuary for illegals. If we take the conservative estimate for the number of illegals in the US at 12 million, counting those people in a census meant to apportion representation for citizens would mean the illegals produce 17 extra members of congress for the states that harbor them.

The effect of this policy is to make a Hispaniard vote count more than a black vote. Gerrymandering and the Dept. of Justice pressure state legislatures to carve out districts for ethnic groups based on their population within the state. It’s a complete victory for Cultural Marxists originally enabled by bigoted Southern Democrats.

In effect, it means a congressional district with 700,000 Hispaniards is allotted one congressman, but of those 700,000 only 500,000 or fewer may be citizens eligible to vote. While a district with 700,000 blacks, all of them citizens, will also get only one member. Black votes are counted once, while in our hypothetical example the individual Hispaniard vote counts as 1.4 votes.

Jim Crow is replaced by Juan Canto.

Keeping the citizenship question off the census form isn’t a matter of fighting racism. It’s a matter of Democrats using any means necessary to enhance their power and control over American culture. If illegals are discouraged from participating in the census, so much the better. They always have the option of being counted in their real country.

David Hogg, Child Media Star

Caught in the whirlwind of adoring television interviews, newspaper profiles, rally speeches and teenage groupies, David Hogg has not had time to ruminate on one of the great truths of our media–driven age: The long arc of history doesn’t bend toward justice. For individuals, it bends toward obscurity.

In other words: David Hogg, meet Sandra Fluke.

Gary McCoy, Shiloh, IL

Sandra, you may recall, was the coed with an active sex life. She caught the Obamacare wave at just the right time with her demand that Catholics be forced to foot the bill for her birth control pills. A nice–looking girl with no shame and a slightly ‘naughty librarian look’ is always newsworthy. The Opposition Media made her refusal to take her own precautions a cause célèbre.

She evolved from sexual relations activist to martyr when Rush Limbaugh decided to dabble in an extremely crass reductio ad absurdum and unwisely called Fluke a “slut.” A genuine insult and beneath Rush. In spite of the fact Limbaugh had just tripled her speaking fees, Sandra joined the outrage parade and called for advertisers to boycott El Rushbo’s show.

The reason for this background on Fluke is five years after her nationwide notoriety peaked, Sandra has joined the Jackson Five in obscurity. Howard Stern can talk about sex for decades and still be current, but there comes a time when a civilian like Sandra just starts to sound obsessed. The Obamacare mandate is old news and so is Fluke.

She tried to capitalize on her fleeting fame by running for the California legislature. Evidently the free–pills vote wasn’t pivotal. She lost to a man (!) 60 to 40 percent. Now, in her rare news appearances she’s just an activist, which as you can imagine in California includes a cast of thousands.

David Hogg, of Parkland, FL shooting fame and NRA hatred, is following an eerily similar media sensation career path. I imagine it will come as a shock to him when the arc is complete and he rejoins us mere mortals here on planet Earth. A bit over a month into his notoriety, Hogg isn’t wearing well. First, there’s his potty mouth. Turning an interview regarding school shootings into a bleep–fest might make the pencil–neck feel like a tough guy, but it makes interview bookers wary. Then there’s Hogg’s failure to grasp that objecting to using a free, clear backpack at the same time he’s attempting to limit other’s Constitutional rights is not a flattering juxtaposition.

And what claim to expertise does Hogg rally have? Fluke took birth control pills and presumably had sex, so there was first–hand experience. But Hogg? He’s only a proximitist. A creature of the 2nd Amendment–hating OpMedia. Reporters automatically label any sympathetic and photogenic individuals “survivors” if they were anywhere near a large–scale shooting. The media–determined circle inside which all people are instantly deemed survivors approximates the blast radius of an atomic bomb.

The term “survivor” is designed to convey an aura of importance, sympathy and immunity to criticism. In reality, the real “survivors” of the Parkland shooting are the students who were wounded and survived. I’m even willing to count bruises from the stampede.

If a student wasn’t shot, then the term for those closest to the action is witness, not survivor. Hogg can’t even claim that distinction. Depending on which reporter he’s talking to, Hogg was either at home and rushed to school when he heard about the shooting; or he was in science class and evacuated the building. He only heard firing in the distance.

This makes Hogg a “proximitist” from the word ‘proximity,’ which means near. Hogg is actively cashing in on his proximity to the shooting, but in truth if Hogg is a “survivor,” then so is Deputy Scott Peterson.

Blanket “survivorship” is a relatively new phenomenon. After Fort Hood only people who had been wounded were called “survivors.” People who happened to be on base remained anonymous.

In yet another interview Hogg complained that he was turned down for admission by a number of California colleges. Changing the world has delayed making a final college decision, but he’s still open to offers. This is the higher education equivalent of Amazon opening the bidding for its new headquarters.

And here Hogg really enters Fluke territory. Laura Ingraham tweeted that with the low acceptance rates for California colleges, Hogg shouldn’t be surprised that his 4.1 GPA didn’t make the cut.

Even pointing out the obvious is out of bounds if the facts concern a Gun Violence Icon.

PR agents masquerading as reporters claimed Ingraham was “mocking” a “massacre survivor.” Now Hogg is organizing a boycott of Ingraham’s advertisers. My advice for him is to enjoy it while it lasts, because it won’t last forever. The media will eventually move on without him.